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Street Medicine

In Summer 2017, a team of student researchers undertook a project entitled "Health care for all: Reimagining street medicine to improve healthcare delivery models for vulnerable, isolated, and rural populations" with faculty Advisors Ana Alexandrescu and Sarah Stanlick with external input from the LVHN Street Medicine team.

The project was a deep dive in reimagining street medicine to improve healthcare delivery models for vulnerable populations.  The research yielded many questions, and our research continues to address the following:

  • What can we learn from the street medicine teams, FQHC and other sources to develop models for making care available and accessible to our most vulnerable populations?
  • How might we build on street medicine as a scalable mechanism to provide care?
  • How might we help develop sustainable and flexible organizations and models that can be replicated in other communities?
  • How might we design social, organizational, clinical, technical and policy platforms that enable Street Medicine teams to reach and help the most vulnerable?
  • What framework structure provides clinicians the ability to deliver safety, quality and effectiveness in their care?
  • How do we conceptualize a patient-centered medical home for those without homes?
  • How might we expand on the model of street medicine to enhance care delivery for other vulnerable populations, such as those in rural areas deprived of robust healthcare infrastructure (some Native American Reservations come to mind as one example)?
  • In what ways do clinical staff develop (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and what evidence of transformation can we observe and/or design for future data collection?
  • How might we enable communities to assess whether a street medicine program is beneficial, and if so, how do we empower and enable them to start such programs successfully?